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The MSE Resilience Lab

About the MSE Resilience Lab

The MSE Resilience Lab is a knowledge-gathering, -generating, and -sharing platform focused on insights and industry best practices that chart roads to MSE resilience through the use of digital tools, with a focus on women. A robust learning and dissemination agenda guides the work of the Lab, underpinned by a tested MSE Resilience Framework. 

Mexico Financial Diaries 2016, woman at her vegetable stand in Santa Clara


The goal of the Lab is to actively pursue, identify, consolidate, and disseminate key learnings from numerous initiatives that support MSE digitalization. It will also strive to build an active learning community among multiple stakeholders and will share learnings and other knowledge outputs broadly through various initiatives that include:

  • Strive Mexico MSE Radar
  • Strive Mexico Exploration Series
  • Online knowledge outputs, such as blogs and notes
  • Strategic convenings
  • Public events
  • Webinars

These initiatives are aimed at ecosystem actors to influence how resilience is perceived and valued and how it can be incorporated into program and policy interventions. Sharing lessons learned with ecosystem players can significantly contribute to the collective knowledge of the sector, spurring more innovation that can increase the resilience of MSEs.