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Fintech startup accelerator funding models

How startup accelerators approach funding models

Catalyst Fund and the XL Lab coalition of startup accelerators conducted research to understand how accelerator programs think about their funding models, with their own sustainability, and the best interests of the startups they support, in mind. Download the deck for key insights.

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Catalyst Fund, along with the Bharat Inclusion Initiative’s (BII) Financial Inclusion Lab, the Financial Health Network’s  Financial Solutions Lab, and Fintech Cadence’s Innovate Financial Health Lab as part of XL Lab, conducted research to better understand how various fintech startup acceleration programs approach funding models. We interviewed 17 accelerators from around the world that chose a range of equity, debt, and grant funding approaches. We also spoke to 14 startup founders to understand the implications of each approach on their businesses, as well as which they prefer and why.

Key insights can be found here. To view full results, download the deck below.



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