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Improving the financial health of all Mexicans


FinnSalud 3.0 will partner with three institutions to create impact through in-depth advisory services. Based on the learnings of previous years, we believe that the adoption of Financial Health (FH) by institutions requires:

  • Proof of concept that FH entails a business case
  • In-depth guidance to overcome the “death valleys” that stand between intention and action
  • A customer-centric business model that can design needs’ based offerings tailored to improve people’s FH

Our Vision

Our vision is that institutions develop the capacity to measure, test and launch financial products, services, and features that improve the FH (FH) of customers or employees. 

Our Objectives

Making FH an explicit strategic imperative within the organizations

Prioritizing FH metrics and measurement models

Fostering organizational alignment around FH in technology, processes, and products

Value Propositions

  • Low-and middle-income customers will find products and services that are better tailored to improve their FH needs. These could include specific features, personalized advice/coaching, accessible digital tools, and responsive redress mechanisms
  • Financial institutions will have a robust roadmap to build FH solutions based on the data collected by measuring their customers’ FH and advanced insights provided by BFA Global. 
  • MetLife Foundation will strengthen its reputation as an ecosystem builder and FH champion among Mexico’s leading financial inclusion service industry stakeholders
  • Employees of institutions will benefit from initiatives that improve their FH, contributing to increased workplace satisfaction, productivity and retention