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Venture launching

Our venture launching approach is tailored to the Wave's focus abd divided into three phases


Our venture launching approach is divided into three phases, starting with potential founders being accepted into the program, and ending with a target of investable, potentially viable ventures:


Team formation

(6-8 weeks)


Individuals will start exploring different opportunity areas while testing different teammates for compatibility and traction. They will also receive further support and education on the basics of entrepreneurship through cohort-based courses, and individual leadership coaching. At the end of this stage, teams that can demonstrate formation around an idea will proceed to phase 2.


Venture formation

(6-8 weeks)


We will facilitate user research through digital channels. Teams will be able to interact with these users as a fast and efficient way to test ideas and build a user-centric business. Fellows continue to receive the weekly stipend and complete cohort-based courses and team coaching during this phase. Phase 2 ends with an internal pitch day where the strongest teams will be selected to continue into phase 3.


Product build and validation

(3-4 months)


Teams entering phase 3 will receive seed capital from TECA for venture development, founder salaries, and other expenses. Services provided will encompass areas essential to a successful venture launch such as product development, financial modeling, data support, team coaching, and legal formation. By providing access to a highly specialized group of venture experts, we will significantly reduce the risk and transaction costs for the ventures.