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Catalyst Fund announces Inclusive Digital Commerce Accelerator to support MSEs in Ghana

Digital Commerce Database: Ghana

As we work to accelerate Ghana's inclusive digital commerce ecosystem, we've created an open database to showcase all digital commerce companies operating across the supply chain in Ghana.


    Express interest


    Which category best describes your company's inclusive digital commerce offering?
    Agricultural ServicesFinancial Services for SMEsE-commerceLogisticsDeliveryStock ManagementWarehousingBusiness Solutions for SMEsMarketplacesOther


    Which option best describes your company's geography?
    Headquarters in GhanaHeadquarters elsewhere, but registered entity in GhanaHeadquarters elsewhere, but partners with license to operate in Ghana Intentions to enter the Ghanaian MarketOther


    Please check boxes that apply to you:
    Your product or service contributes to growth of informal MSEs in Ghana in an Affordable, Accessible, and Appropriate manner (please elaborate)Your company targets informal MSEs in urban, peri-urban and rural areas in Ghana (please elaborate)Your company serves at minimum 30% of women led-microenterprises or workers (please specify exact percentage if possible)

    Product/ service stage

    Please select stage: Initial prototype in limited release (e.g. alpha/beta) or pilotsMVP introducedProduct-market fit achievedCurrently scalingFully matureIn decline /being phased outOther


    Financial Runway

    What funding stage are you at?
    Pre-seedSeedSeries APost- Series AOther

    Youth Focus

    How did you hear about us? (select one below) Social mediaAfrobytesEmailOnline / print newsWord of mouthOther Do you consent to your company being featured in our ecosystem database showcasing digital commerce companies in Ghana? (any sensitive info will be excluded from the database) YesNo Sign up for the Catalyst Fund Mailing List YesNo

    The Catalyst Fund Inclusive Digital Commerce Accelerator aims to improve the livelihoods and financial resilience of MSEs in Ghana by scaling companies who can help them better leverage digital commerce. While we’ve completed our open call for applications to this program, we hope this database will continue to grow and serve the wider ecosystem.

    Fill the form below to add your company to the database.


