The resilience toolkit developed through the Strive Mexico program is a practical resource designed to help organizations assess and...
The Strive Mexico program has produced three comprehensive learning documents that capture essential insights and strategies for enhancing the...
About 70% of Mexico’s farmers are smallholder farmers (approx. 3.6 million), who typically work in challenging geographies scattered across...
La Guía para el diagnóstico y mejora de la resiliencia es un recurso práctico diseñado para ayudar a las...
Carmen, the owner of a small craft store with no employees, demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of rising...
Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Mexico deploy an array of actions to overcome shocks, including using savings, requesting...
The heart of Mexico’s retail commerce lies thousands of mom-and-pop shops. Around 1 million micro and small enterprises (MSEs)...
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, digitalization has taken center-stage as an effective catalyst for growth, efficiency, and resilience...
Selling products and services through online platforms has proved to be a crucial lifeline for supporting micro and small...
Originalmente publicado en la página del Portal FinDev, Diciembre, 07, 2022 Nancy es comerciante, madre y el sostén de...
Originalmente publicado en la página del Portal FinDev, Febrero, 23, 2023 En las últimas dos décadas, la inclusión financiera...
Originally posted on the Devex Website,November,16,2022 In the development sector, we’ve spent decades training youth and women in entrepreneurship with...