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TECA Waveseeding West Africa


Climate change is hitting West African cities hard. From extreme heat to rising sea levels to intense floodings, urban areas are facing a new reality that threatens the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable communities. At the same time, cities like Lagos, Dakar and Accra are becoming entrepreneurial powerhouses on the continent. In November 2023, the BFA Global TECA team threw a waveseeding event in Lagos, Nigeria to lay the foundation for the climate innovation ecosystem, recognizing the growing urgency and opportunity for new adaptation ventures in West Africa. 

Atlas of Opportunities for Climate Adaptation Ventures

During the waveseeding event, urban development and climate change experts, youth representatives, entrepreneurs and innovation leaders, identified 60 different innovation spaces for climate adaptation ventures in West African cities. These innovation spaces were meant to encompass categories of ideas that help build the resilience of climate vulnerable communities and are relevant for sustainable business models, in other words, the Atlas of Opportunities.

The most promising innovation spaces for climate adaptation ventures 

Education platforms, including climate and environmental public data tools

Urban food systems, including climate smart agriculture tech and inputs

Waste management, including recycled plastic building materials

Climate resilient infrastructure and building materials, including flood resilient mobile micro-offices


Climate information services, including early warning systems for heat and floods


Health services, including personal health IoT devices

Who is building the climate adaptation innovation ecosystem in Lagos?

Over 27 individuals from 22 different organizations attended the waveseeding event, providing their expertise and collaborating together to design the foundation for a future TECA wave. Explore the growing ecosystem below by clicking on different parts of the map.


 Members of the emerging TECA West Africa climate adaptation innovation ecosystem

What next? 

With innovation spaces identified and key ecosystem players united, the TECA team is exploring launching a TECAthon.