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A personal reflection, living with the heat in Mérida When I lived in Mérida, a city where summer temperatures...
As the world faces the accelerating impacts of climate change, the demand for innovative, scalable climate solutions has never...
Baja California Sur se encuentra en un momento clave de cambio, innovación y oportunidades. Desde la pesca sustentable hasta...
I’ve been fortunate to be involved in products and services that aimed to change the very fabric of African...
Women make up half the global population, yet face significant economic barriers like low literacy, restrictive norms, and unequal...
BFA Global conducted a preliminary assessment survey with Financial Service Providers (FSPs) across Latin America and East Africa to...
As the world grapples with escalating climate challenges, startups offering innovative solutions for climate adaptation and resilience are more...
En México, como en muchos países en desarrollo, garantizar la salud financiera de las personas sigue siendo un desafío...
In Mexico, as in many developing economies, the financial health of low-income individuals remains a significant challenge despite 67.8%...