Download Report: Inclusion and your bottom line

A new mixed-method approach to characterizing and measuring inclusiveness for financial products and services, as carried out in Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria

Case studies in a new mixed-method approach to characterizing and measuring inclusiveness for financial products and services in an increasingly digitally-native world

Digital financial products and services have rapidly become as prevalent as they are fundamental in serving an increasingly global market at massive scale. Yet tools and methodologies for assessing the inclusiveness of these products and services holistically – taking customer preference into account, and understanding how this impacts profitability – have not kept up with this breakneck pace.

At BFA Global, we’ve developed a new approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative research, factor analysis, evaluation of usage patterns, and a unit costing analysis, to provide financial services providers with an actionable roadmap that can enable them to better understand how inclusive their products are from a customer perspective, and how the development of more inclusive offerings might impact the profitability of their business – as detailed in a collection of case studies in this report.


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