From idea to impact: Fellow experiences at a climate venture launcher

Authored by: Carmen Merab
October 9, 2024 - 5 mins read

As the world grapples with escalating climate challenges, startups offering innovative solutions for climate adaptation and resilience are more crucial than ever. However, transforming an idea for a solution into a thriving business requires more than just passion—it calls for skill, resources, and a supportive ecosystem. TECA (Triggering Exponential Climate Action), a climate-venture launcher, is redefining the path for climate-focused entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses.

The TECA program offers a unique blend of comprehensive learning, hands-on experience, and tailored support. The program goes beyond teaching business basics; it cultivates a new generation of founders equipped to tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental issues.

The TECA program consists of two phases:

  1. A four-month immersive fellowship designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to build climate-focused businesses.
  2. Followed by a three-month founder incubation where selected teams receive funding and tailored venture-building support.

During the initial 17-week fellowship, participants gain hands-on experience and receive strategic support from mentors, seasoned entrepreneurs, and experts. This preparation sets the stage for their startup journey. To provide a clearer picture of the TECA experience, we asked some fellows from the current wave to share their insights.

Motivation to apply

Here’s what fellows had to say about why they applied…

“Despite having over 10 years of experience working with the blue economy in Madagascar, I felt that I lacked clear visibility on the tangible and relevant outcomes of my work. This uncertainty motivated me to apply for the TECA program. I wanted to build something truly relevant, valuable, and impactful for the blue economy business in my country, and I believed that the TECA program could provide the knowledge, skills, and network necessary to achieve that goal.”
“The idea of launching climate resilience ventures using African innovation by Africans.”
“I was motivated to apply for the Africa Blue Wave / Regen Wave program because of the tremendous success stories I had heard from previous participants. Their achievements and the impact they had made inspired me to seek similar growth and learning opportunities. I wanted to immerse myself in a program renowned for its focus on sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, I was eager to learn from industry leaders, gain access to valuable resources, and connect with a network of like-minded individuals committed to making a positive difference in the world. This program seemed like the perfect platform to accelerate my professional development and enhance the growth of my startup.”

Benefits of the program

Fellows shared their experiences with the TECA Program

“The program allowed me to start with a clean slate, putting all my experiences aside and learning from the very beginning. This made the development much smoother because there was little second-guessing and more sprinting to get to the end of an idea quickly to see if it was viable or not rather than sticking to just analysis and perfection of an idea with reference to my past experiences.”
“The combination of workshops, mentorship sessions, and collaborative projects created a holistic learning environment. These elements helped us to systematically address critical gaps in our business model and technology. The structured approach to problem-solving and innovation provided a clear roadmap, enabling us to make significant progress in a relatively short period of time.”
“The hands-on nature of the sessions we had at Watamu has allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This practical approach has helped me develop a deeper understanding of the concepts my team and I are working on and their relevance to my venture. Additionally, the How I Launch sessions where we have startups share tips and lessons on how they navigated different stages of their startup journey have been particularly valuable. These sessions have provided insights into the challenges and successes of these entrepreneurs, helping me refine my approach and avoid common pitfalls. Also, the sessions on choosing the right co-founders have been crucial in helping me navigate the challenges of starting a new venture. These sessions have provided practical advice on how to evaluate potential co-founders, define my needs and weaknesses, seek complementary skills, and prioritize character and shared vision.”
“Working alongside fellows from various backgrounds and industries provides a wealth of different perspectives and expertise. This diversity fostered creativity and innovation, helping me to think outside the box and approach challenges from multiple angles​. The exposure to different areas of knowledge, such as technology, finance, and environmental science, enhanced my understanding of how to integrate these disciplines into your aquaculture venture, leading to more holistic and robust solutions​. The experience helped me build a lifelong network that currently helps me even in other geographical and technical areas as well as opened me up to new networking and collaboration opportunities.”

Mindset change

Fellows shared key takeaways and turning points from their experience at TECA

“In my experience, the TECA program has greatly helped me develop my mindset and personal growth toward entrepreneurship. Before the program, I already had my own business, but thanks to the program, I was ready to start a new venture with a clearer path and more defined goals. Instead of continuing down the wrong path despite my previous efforts, the TECA program has elevated my entrepreneurial thinking to a new level, making me a more valuable woman with a clear idea and vision for my business endeavors.”
“Initially, I viewed entrepreneurship as a challenging yet exciting endeavor. However, the program has deepened my understanding of the complexities involved, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, resilience, and strategic thinking.”
“The emphasis on impact and sustainability has reinforced my belief that business ventures can be both profitable and socially responsible. I have also realized the value of a strong support network in navigating the entrepreneurial journey.”
“You design for the people! You are doing nothing really if what you are working on is not validated by the target customers.”

Advice for future applicants

Fellows shared tips for those interested in joining a program like this

“Participating in such a program offers invaluable opportunities for personal and professional growth. You’ll gain access to a wealth of resources, mentorship, and training that can significantly accelerate your venture’s development. The structured support and guidance can help you navigate challenges more effectively and refine your business strategies. Additionally, the chance to collaborate and network with like-minded peers, industry experts, and potential investors is unparalleled, providing you with insights and connections that can be crucial for your success. Ultimately, joining a program like this can transform your entrepreneurial journey, equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to achieve your goals.”
“Not to be afraid of failing, in fact. Try fast, fail fast, and learn fast!”
“Be prepared to invest a significant amount of time and effort into the program. The more you put in, the more you will gain from the experience. Leave your ego and preconceptions behind. Approach the program with an open mind, ready to learn and adapt. Be willing to grow personally and professionally. This program offers a unique opportunity for personal development and validation of your entrepreneurial efforts. Make the most of the networking, mentorship, and resources provided. These are invaluable assets that can significantly accelerate your venture’s development.”
“Apply! Apply! Apply! It’s a life-changing opportunity.”

The TECA program offers a unique opportunity for individuals passionate about climate to create meaningful impact. By joining, you’ll be part of a movement nurturing the next generation of innovative startups addressing critical environmental challenges.

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