Pioneering solutions in Digital Finance for Climate Resilience

Authored by: BFA GLOBAL
September 2, 2021 - 1 min read

How can digital finance build climate resilience among the world’s most vulnerable?

To understand the opportunity for digital finance and fintech to power greater climate resilience, BFA Global convened a Task Force of climate and financial service experts, including World Resources Institute, CGAP, PayPal, and the team of the UN Race to Resilience campaign. Together, the Task Force developed the framework presented in this infographic to provide an actionable way for stakeholders to understand the Digital Finance for Climate Resilience (DF4CR) opportunity and the concrete solutions that can grow climate resilience among vulnerable people in emerging markets. This framework draws on valuable climate action and risk management frameworks and taxonomies developed by the European CommissionThe Lightsmith Group’s Adaptation SME Accelerator, World Bank, and others.

At a high level, this infographic illustrates three groups of solutions: 1) solutions that help vulnerable people anticipate and recover from disasters caused by climate change, 2) solutions that enable households to adapt their livelihoods and assets given chronic changes to the climate, and 3) solutions that help build long-term resilience for communities and markets.

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