India Financial Diaries

Year Started:
Year Ended:
Key Partners/Clients:
Gateway Financial Innovations for Savings (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors)
Area of Work:
Digital Financial Services, Livelihoods and Microenterprise
As part of the GAFIS project, BFA Global collected Financial Diaries of a small sample of savings account holders served by a microfinance institution. The research objectives were:
1. To understand how early users of the savings account used the account and how that account fits within the institution’s wider financial portfolios.
2. To provide the institution’s team with an updated and rich view of their customers’ financial lives to aid in their consideration of products and services more broadly.
3. To provide the institution with a glimpse into the financial cash flow of potential customers to understand how best to acquire and serve them.
The Financial Diaries in India started in April 2012 and ended in May 2013.The diaries were conducted in Varanasi and Uttar Pradesh.