Mozambique Smallholder Financial Diaries

Year Started:
Year Ended:
Key Partners/Clients:
Area of Work:
Digital Financial Services, Livelihoods and Microenterprise
The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) contracted BFA Global to implement the year-long Financial Diaries with Smallholder Families to elucidate the financial lives of smallholder households and build the evidence base on this important client group. The study, conducted between June 2014 and July 2015, captured the financial and in-kind transactions of 270 households in impoverished northern Mozambique, the fertile farmlands of western Tanzania, and the Punjab province, the bread-basket of Pakistan. Our research provided a deep view of how smallholders are affected by the agricultural cycle and manage their money in response to its ebbs and flows, as well as point to ways that FSPs might better meet smallholders’ needs.
The Mozambique Smallholder Financial Diaries started in January 2014 and ended in December 2015. The diaries were conducted in three villages in Rapale district of northern Nampula province region. 93 households were interviewed.