VietFHIFinancial Health Innovations in Vietnam

Year Started:
Key Partners/Clients:
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Capital Aid for Employment of the Poor Microfinance Institution (CEP)
Area of Work:
Financial Health
BFA Global is managing the Financial Health Innovations in Vietnam (VietFHI) project that aims to support Capital Aid Fund for Employment of the Poor (CEP) to become the premier digital microfinance institution (MFI) in Vietnam, with an integrated financial health (FH) framework and capacity to serve digitally-savvy clients.
To achieve this objective, BFA Global is working toward the following objectives:
a) Identify and serve new client segment of “digital laborers”,
b) Serve clients with digital-first products and services,
c) Create two new products or services for digital clients,
d) Onboard new CEP clients using financial health as part of the process,
e) Open term deposit accounts by 7,500 additional customers (3x of current levels),
f) Facilitate adoption of FH framework by CEP for ALL clients and services, and
g) Create a one-stop-shop real-time visualization tool for all products.