Inclusive Fintech | April 16, 2020
Spazas and informal trade are excluded from COVID-19 relief efforts in South Africa
As the Coronavirus pandemic unfolds around us, South Africa has been lauded for taking an aggressive approach to control....
By Lebo Mokgabudi

PAYGo and Essential Services | November 19, 2019
The power of flexibility: How innovative payment models can expand access to energy services
In the past eight years, over 10 million people in emerging economies have acquired modern energy for the first...
By Jacob Winiecki

Digital Financial Services | March 19, 2019
Work with What You’ve Got to Offer MSME Credit
The Case in Kenya Starting from the Microfinance Bill in 2006 up to the runaway success of the mobile...
By Shirley Mburu

Digital Financial Services | October 6, 2017
Building an Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystem: The Way Forward
This Diagnostic Report by UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance and BFA Global, assesses Ghana’s progress to date, and sets out...

Digital Financial Services | October 24, 2014
Digital Retail Payments in Kenya: Making them Matter for Merchants
How can we crack the nut of converting retail payments to digital form in Kenya? How might providers deliver...