Zambian micro- and small enterprises during COVID-19: Wave One Findings
Zambia recorded its first case of COVID-19 on March 18 and took early action to contain the spread. As...

Stress Testing in Crisis: Helping Cooperatives Adjust Financial Projections during COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis has required major and rapid action at all levels of society and the economy. As of...

Pruebas de estrés durante la crisis: Ayudando a las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en México durante la crisis del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global. Los patrocinadores del proyecto no son responsables de la...

La planeación de escenarios puede ayudar a las cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo mexicanas a prepararse para el impacto del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

Snapshot of financial health during peak COVID-19
We are two and a half months into the global Coronavirus crisis. Confirmed cases exceed seven million, and at least...

REPORT: Assessing the impact of tech-enabled urban mobility
An essential service in short supply Affordable and safe mobility is an essential service, enabling people to access goods...

¿Cómo está afectando el Covid-19 la salud financiera de las microempresas mexicanas?
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

The impact of COVID-19 on financial lives in eight countries, over two weeks
Protracted battles continue to rage across the world against the invisible enemy of COVID-19, as countries enforce restrictions on...

How are inclusive fintech startups responding to COVID-19?
After ravaging China and developed economies – Spain, Italy, France, the United States – the novel coronavirus has begun...

Open-sourcing survey instrument for “COVID-19 and Your Finances” in English and Spanish
In order to conduct a rapid assessment of the impact of COVID-19, BFA Global deployed a “dipstick” online survey...