Webinar: Rebuilding livelihoods in displacement in the wake of COVID-19
When: Wednesday, August 26th at 3.00 – 4.30 pm EAT Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Uganda and FSD Africa – in collaboration with BFA Global will...

Grit, Skills and Luck: Examining the financial lives of refugees in Uganda
This report commissioned by FSD Uganda and FSD Africa provides an in-depth analysis of a quantitative survey undertaken in...

World Refugee Day 2020: #EveryActionCounts
This World Refugee Day, we take a moment to reflect on our work focused around making finance work for...

Assessing the impact of tech-enabled urban mobility
Affordable and safe mobility is an essential service, enabling people to access goods and services, education and employment opportunities,...

Financial Inclusion for Refugees (FI4R) Launch Press Release

Infographic: Financial Inclusion for Refugees (FI4R) Results of baseline survey

New lives, new tools: The financial lives of refugee communities
Observations by BFA Global based on initial field research Access to financial services and a steady source of income...

The Odd Couple: PAYGo Solar and Financial Service Providers
Co-written by Elizabeth Davidson If you are one of the 73 percent of Ugandans who is not connected to...

Affordable and Accessible Remittance Services for Refugees: A Toolkit
BFA Global developed and piloted a tool to conduct a country assessment on demand, supply, and regulatory considerations for...

Mapping the financial-access journey of the refugee: Applying UX design to help financial service providers in Uganda better serve forcibly displaced people
In April 2018, BFA Global facilitated a series of workshops for six banks – Diamond Trust Bank, Equity Bank, FINCA, Opportunity International, Post Bank, Ugafode –...