Women in leadership in financial servicesWhat impact do women leaders in the financial services sector have on financial inclusion outcomes for women and girls?

Year Started:
Year Ended:
Key Partners/Clients:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Area of Work:
Gender Finance
Bangladesh, India, Nigeria
When women are represented in leadership roles, decisions are more likely to be inclusive and representative. Female leadership is essential to advancing gender equality and furthering economic inclusion for all.
An international philanthropic foundation commissioned BFA Global to conduct research on the role of women in leadership positions, in organisations within the financial services sector across Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria.
The study aimed to understand the level of representation of women in leadership positions, the roles that women play within the institutional hierarchy, and the level of influence that women leaders have on decision-making for financial inclusion outcomes within the organisation. It defined specific normative and systemic enablers and barriers that contribute to the under- representation of women in leadership positions within the sector. The outcome of the study described the nature of female representation in leadership positions in the financial inclusion space, the implications this had on financial inclusion outcomes for women and girls, and the established opportunities to enhance the role of women in leadership positions.