Meet the iWorkers – Rhoda & Erica

Authored by: BFA GLOBAL
July 12, 2019
Livelihoods and MicroenterpriseiWorker

The iWorker Project spoke with two entrepreneurs in Ghana, Rhoda and Erica, about their foodservice business, which they recently registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and why chose to formally register their business. Rhoda and Erica felt that formal business registration would give them an upper hand once entering the market because of the credibility associated with the credentials provided.

They describe the challenges they faced when registering with the FDA, including large payments needed up front. Separately as a startup, they face challenges getting staff on board for free until the business becomes profitable. One intervention that they feel the government could make to improve this process and experience for iWorkers is access to benefits for security once registered, which would also likely improve recruitment and retention.

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