Kenyan Banks Feel the Pain — and Now Some Gains — From Digitization
Central Bank of Kenya data shows growth in digital channels but lean gains by the Kenyan financial institutions from...

The Impact of Banco Azteca in Peru
Despite being one of the most dynamic economies in Latin America, Peru has relatively low levels of financial inclusion....

Refugees and Their Money: Assessing the Business Case for Providing Financial Services to Refugees
BFA Global supported by FSDA carried out a macro and microanalysis to build a better understanding of the financial...

The Intelligent Bank of the Future
Here’s a thought experiment: what if you had to design from scratch a new bank targeting low-income clients? This...

Mobile Money Meets Microcredit: Three Key Decisions in Taking a Concept from Design to Pilot
In a previous blog post, we were introduced to how SAJIDA Foundation in Bangladesh is using evidence from...

Does the Environment in Ghana Really Enable Inclusive Fintech?
Ghana seems to be an exciting place for fintech providers in general to thrive right now. Last week...

Correspondent Banking in Mexico’s Rural Areas: Lessons from a G2P Payment Digitization and Financial Inclusion Project
This paper studies the effect of payment digitization on the government-to-person (G2P) payment platform in Mexico. The main objective...

Tembisa Small Business Financial Diaries: Key findings and recommendations

Banking Low-Income Populations: Perspectives from South Africa