Livelihoods and Microenterprise | November 15, 2023
Radar MYPE: Visión 360 del ecosistema empresarial en México
El Radar MYPE se desprende de los hallazgos del libro blanco titulado: “”Caminos hacia la resiliencia de las MYPES”,...
By Gabriela Zapata Alvarez

Inclusive Fintech | October 28, 2019
Re-envisioning fintech innovation in Kenya
“… technology to shape the future…rather than simply allowing the future to shape us.” – Alderman Peter...
By Akansha Kasera

Digital Financial Services | October 6, 2017
Building an Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystem: The Way Forward
This Diagnostic Report by UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance and BFA Global, assesses Ghana’s progress to date, and sets out...