Livelihoods and Microenterprise | September 19, 2023
Good, bad, or nill? Evidence of the impact of digitalization on MSEs in Latin America
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, digitalization has taken center-stage as an effective catalyst for growth, efficiency, and resilience...
By Gabriela Zapata Alvarez

Financial Health | January 24, 2018
Una Empresa de Tecnología Financiera Lleva Servicios a Empleados Domésticos en México
Versión en inglés Lola es una madre soltera con tres hijos y se gana la vida limpiando casas en...
By Gabriela Zapata Alvarez

Inclusive Fintech | August 30, 2017
Getting Early-Stage Fintech Startups Investment-Ready
When we met Miguel Duhalt, CEO of Comunidad4Uno in Mexico City, he was working day and night to launch...
By Maelis Carraro

Inclusive Fintech | April 4, 2017
What have we learned about catalyzing inclusive fintech startups so far?
Thoughts from the Catalyst Fund Panel at FLII 2017 On Feb 15th, the Catalyst Fund hosted a panel about...
By Jonathan Duarte

Inclusive Fintech | October 7, 2016
How do we help Colombian Families Save for College?
Catalyst Fund Learning Agenda Series #4, ESCALA The Reality of the Low-Income Customer Pedro Tobon has been worrying about...
By Maelis Carraro

Inclusive Fintech | September 14, 2016
What Banks Don’t Know is That I Do Pay My Bills
Catalyst Fund Learning Agenda Series #1, Destacame.cl The Reality of the Low-Income Customer Magaly struggles to take a loan...
By Jane del Ser