Pruebas de estrés durante la crisis: Ayudando a las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en México durante la crisis del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global. Los patrocinadores del proyecto no son responsables de la...

La planeación de escenarios puede ayudar a las cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo mexicanas a prepararse para el impacto del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

Meet Flex Finance, the solution to digitize Nigerian SMEs
Flex Finance provides SMEs in Nigeria with a simple mobile app to track, optimize, and gain insights from...

Snapshot of financial health during peak COVID-19
We are two and a half months into the global Coronavirus crisis. Confirmed cases exceed seven million, and at least...

¿Cómo está afectando el Covid-19 la salud financiera de las microempresas mexicanas?
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

Predicting the propensity to succeed among Kenyan “Hustlers”
Originally posted on FSD Kenya website, March 23, 2020 Shujaaz Inc is network of social ventures based in Nairobi....

The impact of COVID-19 on financial lives in eight countries, over two weeks
Protracted battles continue to rage across the world against the invisible enemy of COVID-19, as countries enforce restrictions on...

How are inclusive fintech startups responding to COVID-19?
After ravaging China and developed economies – Spain, Italy, France, the United States – the novel coronavirus has begun...

Open-sourcing survey instrument for “COVID-19 and Your Finances” in English and Spanish
In order to conduct a rapid assessment of the impact of COVID-19, BFA Global deployed a “dipstick” online survey...

FinnSalud and COVID-19: Shifting to emergency mode
FinnSalud is one of BFA Global’s largest projects, supported by MetLife Foundation and fiscally sponsored by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors....