Investing in your startup’s growth: The IDC growth toolkit

April 27, 2023 - 1 min read

Startups and founders need to understand growth in order to navigate their company through the rough waters of the growth stage. For venture capitalists (VCs) and other investors, indicators of growth can help them assess startups directly or offer this toolkit as a resource to their portfolio companies. 

The IDC Growth Toolkit was developed to help startups and key stakeholders plan growth more effectively and intentionally. The toolkit not only allows you to track the growth of your startup business, but also provides actionable insights for founders and funders at each step of the journey. 

In the toolkit, we answer four key questions:

  1. What are the stages of growth and the key characteristics, metrics, and decision points at each stage?
  2. What does growth look like from a business model perspective?
  3. How can startups diagnose their growth stage and the crucial action points to consider?
  4. How do startups and investors apply this information to business decisions?

Read the toolkit

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