Benjamin Mazzotta PhD

Benjamin Mazzotta PhD

Senior Social Science Researcher

Benjamin Mazzotta, PhD is a Senior Social Science Researcher at BFA Global. He leads research in financial health across multiple geographies, including Africa, Latin America, and Asia. He served on the working group for financial health at the office of the United Nations Secretary General’s special advocate for inclusive financial development (O/UNSGSA), where he co-authored a technical note on measurement. Ben leads quantitative and multi-methods research for BFA Global. Selected research interests include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial resilience; the economics of digital payments; lean data on social impact; user research in rural value chains; digital finance for climate resilience; and a target product profile (TPP) for inclusive finance. Trained as a political scientist, he also holds certificates in data science and complex systems. He is a CEME Senior Fellow at Tufts University and a Fellow of the United States-Japan Leadership Program (USJLP). He lives and works in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Publications by this author

Digital payments for vaccine campaigns: an executive summary
Digital Financial Services |

Digital payments for vaccine campaigns: an executive summary

Prompt, regular, and accurate payments promise big improvements in health campaigns, such as vaccines, that rely on a large...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Quantifying the benefits of a transition to digital payments for frontline healthcare workers
Digital Financial Services |

Quantifying the benefits of a transition to digital payments for frontline healthcare workers

The benefits of digital payments vis-à-vis cash are well known: timely disbursement, payment confirmations, and risk controls for both...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Three findings from the application of a financial health index in Vietnam
Financial Health |

Three findings from the application of a financial health index in Vietnam

This blog post illustrates how to use financial health data to analyze social impact, in the final post of...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Building a customized financial health index: DORA for Vietnam
Financial Health |

Building a customized financial health index: DORA for Vietnam

BFA Global partnered with Capital Aid for Employment of the Poor Microfinance Institution (CEP) in Vietnam to measure and...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Operationalizing financial health: Experiences from Vietnam
Financial Health |

Operationalizing financial health: Experiences from Vietnam

A leading microfinance institution (MFI) in Vietnam, Capital Aid for Employment of the Poor (CEP), is at the forefront...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Financial health in Mexico: A new tool for measurement
Financial Health |

Financial health in Mexico: A new tool for measurement

Purpose  Recovery from the economic effects of the pandemic will require millions of microentrepreneurs to rebuild their balance sheets....

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
How micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) leveraged informal financing and digital technology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia
Livelihoods and Microenterprise |

How micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) leveraged informal financing and digital technology during the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in drastic declines in revenue for micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) in Zambia....

By Constantine Manda
How can banks identify and quantitatively validate principal components of inclusiveness and determine which matter most within a given market?
Digital Financial Services |

How can banks identify and quantitatively validate principal components of inclusiveness and determine which matter most within a given market?

This is the first case study in our report, ‘Inclusion and Your Bottom Line’, which outlines a new mixed-method...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD
Behind the macro-level statistics: The role of resilience in informing financial health in Mexico
Financial Health |

Behind the macro-level statistics: The role of resilience in informing financial health in Mexico

The decision to close his footwear store was one of the toughest José had to make in his 35...

By Jacob Winiecki
Más allá de la inclusión financiera: Midiendo y mejorando el impacto de la salud financiera en México
Financial Health |

Más allá de la inclusión financiera: Midiendo y mejorando el impacto de la salud financiera en México

Medir la salud financiera es un desafío. Aunque existe consenso en la industria sobre el tema de la salud...

By Benjamin Mazzotta PhD