Bethany Kanten

Bethany Kanten

Publications by this author

Why we invested: Ohm Mobility provides simple, affordable vehicle financing for India’s autorickshaw drivers
Climate Action |

Why we invested: Ohm Mobility provides simple, affordable vehicle financing for India’s autorickshaw drivers

Over 10 million people drive autorickshaws in India. Unfortunately, these drivers struggle to find affordable ways to acquire autos...

By Bethany Kanten
Digital finance can enable 1 billion people to access climate resilience solutions by 2030
Climate Action |

Digital finance can enable 1 billion people to access climate resilience solutions by 2030

Climate change is here.  An estimated 50 million people were impacted by climate disasters in 2020 alone, and this...

By Bethany Kanten
Stories of Climate Change and Resilience
Climate Action |

Stories of Climate Change and Resilience

As the world increasingly turns its attention towards making progress on climate change, stakeholders must ensure that the voices...

By Bethany Kanten
Learning From Our Past: Successful Ecosystem Evolutions Follow a Common Path
Climate Action |

Learning From Our Past: Successful Ecosystem Evolutions Follow a Common Path

In early 2021, BFA Global, CGAP, UNCDF’s Better than Cash Alliance, PayPal, the UN’s Race to Resilience, and the...

By Bethany Kanten
Cross-Cutting Themes for the Emergence of the DF4CR Ecosystem
Climate Action |

Cross-Cutting Themes for the Emergence of the DF4CR Ecosystem

By 2030, the DF4CR task force estimates that over 1 billion people can gain access to climate resilience solutions...

By Bethany Kanten
The opportunity in Digital Finance for Climate Resilience (DF4CR)
Climate Action |

The opportunity in Digital Finance for Climate Resilience (DF4CR)

Current estimates indicate that at least 3.3 billion people are already vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change....

By Malika Anand
Why we invested: Verqor enables smallholder farmers in Mexico to access financing and connect with buyers
Climate Action |

Why we invested: Verqor enables smallholder farmers in Mexico to access financing and connect with buyers

Agriculture is a vital cornerstone of Mexico’s economy – employing 13% of the labor force and contributing over 3%...

By Bethany Kanten
How do accelerator programs approach funding for startups? Six considerations every program should evaluate
Inclusive Fintech |

How do accelerator programs approach funding for startups? Six considerations every program should evaluate

Not all startup accelerator programs are right for all founders. From the particular expertise of the acceleration team, to...

By Malika Anand
Catalyzing an Ecosystem for Digital Finance for Climate Resilience
Climate Action |

Catalyzing an Ecosystem for Digital Finance for Climate Resilience

The UN-backed Race to Resilience campaign has committed to strengthening the climate resilience of 4 billion climate vulnerable people...

By Jacob Winiecki
Can inclusive fintech be the answer to climate resilience for underserved populations?
Climate Action |

Can inclusive fintech be the answer to climate resilience for underserved populations?

Climate change has already had a negative impact on the lives and livelihoods of billions of vulnerable, low-income, and...

By Malika Anand