Por qué nos asociamos: Tienda Red está construyendo la resiliencia de las tiendas familiares de México a través de soluciones tecnológicas
El corazón del comercio minorista de México se encuentra en miles de tiendas familiares. Alrededor de 1 millón de...

Why we partnered: Tienda Red is building the resilience of Mexico’s mom & pop shops through technological solutions
The heart of Mexico’s retail commerce lies thousands of mom-and-pop shops. Around 1 million micro and small enterprises (MSEs)...

Good, bad, or nill? Evidence of the impact of digitalization on MSEs in Latin America
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, digitalization has taken center-stage as an effective catalyst for growth, efficiency, and resilience...

Razones para colaborar. Techreo está ampliando el alcance de las Mypes a través de una plataforma de comercio electrónico de canal cerrado
La venta de productos y servicios a través de plataformas en línea demostró ser un herramienta crucial para apoyar...

Catalyst Fund is expanding inclusive-tech acceleration to new sectors
Building on our proven approach to accelerating inclusive fintech startups and innovation ecosystems in emerging markets, Catalyst Fund is...

SaaS startup Kwara is helping SACCOs deliver during COVID-19
Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs) are the financial service backbone of the unbanked population in Kenya. While SACCOs increasingly...

Is your fintech startup still using Google Sheets?
When launching fintech startups, founders often resort to the simple, free tools they know best. When it comes to...

Meet Paymenow, a financial wellness app helping South Africans escape debt cycles via access to liquidity
Paymenow gives low-income South Africans early access to the wages they have already earned, to smooth their income while...

Meet KarmaLife, bringing financial services to gig workers in India
Digital platforms in India will employ 15 million people by 2021. While these gig-workers are not formally employed by...

Economic prospects for Kenya in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
Originally posted on the FSD Kenya Website, May 29, 2020 The infection rate of COVID-19 is as yet low...