Post-COVID prognosis for gig workers in China: slow and steady improvement
While most economies in the world are still stumbling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is reported...

Press Release: Announcing the $4.3M Catalyst Fund Inclusive Digital Commerce Accelerator in Ghana to improve the financial resilience of informal MSEs
ACCRA, Ghana, 19th October, 2020 – Catalyst Fund, managed by BFA Global, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation and...

Pruebas de estrés durante la crisis: Ayudando a las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en México durante la crisis del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global. Los patrocinadores del proyecto no son responsables de la...

La planeación de escenarios puede ayudar a las cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo mexicanas a prepararse para el impacto del COVID-19
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

Meet KarmaLife, bringing financial services to gig workers in India
Digital platforms in India will employ 15 million people by 2021. While these gig-workers are not formally employed by...

Snapshot of financial health during peak COVID-19
We are two and a half months into the global Coronavirus crisis. Confirmed cases exceed seven million, and at least...

¿Cómo está afectando el Covid-19 la salud financiera de las microempresas mexicanas?
Todas las opiniones aquí expresadas son exclusivas de BFA Global, por lo que MetLife no es responsable de la...

The impact of COVID-19 on financial lives in eight countries, over two weeks
Protracted battles continue to rage across the world against the invisible enemy of COVID-19, as countries enforce restrictions on...

Chinese giants rose to the COVID-19 challenge. Will their global peers?
Today, as China looks toward recovering from the pandemic, it is gratifying to note that many restaurants survived the...

India is missing the tech-opportunity for responding to COVID-19
The Indian government has joined many others in adopting extreme preventive measures to protect the citizens and combat...